Green Building
Climate neutrality
Strategy and reporting
Find your space to grow in a multidisciplinary, dynamic team of green building experts. Help change the real estate market in the spirit of sustainable development, caring for the environment.
We believe that the people who create it, their daily behavior and competences testify to the company. If these values are close to you, you will feel in our team in the right place.
We care about transparent communication in the team. We share knowledge and accept feedback with openness and understanding regardless of the position held. We are not afraid to admit mistakes and constantly improve our processes.
Our goal is to provide the customer with the highest quality of services and solutions that are best for his business. We are constantly looking for areas for improvement and innovation to meet the client's expectations and even exceed their limits.
We invest in our development and competences to provide our clients with the best support at every stage of cooperation. We follow the latest market trends and provide the most up-to-date knowledge about green building solutions.
Dbamy o życzliwą atmosferę w zespole, tak by każdy członek naszej społeczności czuł się dobrze. Z szacunkiem odnosimy się do ludzi o innym niż my pochodzeniu, tożsamości czy wyznaniu. Doceniamy odmienną perspektywę i tworzymy przyjazne środowisko pracy.
We care about a friendly atmosphere in the team, so that every member of our community feels good. We treat people with different backgrounds, identities or religions than us. We appreciate a different perspective and create a friendly working environment.
We treat the entrusted tasks responsibly, always fulfilling our obligations. We act honestly regardless of the difficulty of the chosen path. We make the best decisions for the company and its stakeholders, considering them, both short-term and long-term consequences.
You choose a job offer and fill out the application form
You talk to the HR department - stage I
You talk to the Team Leader and HR department - stage II
You get feedback within 2 weeks
You are a member of the JWA team. Welcome aboard!
Allianz Healthcare
Multisport card
Fruit and nuts every day in the office
Modern work tools
Hybrid / remote work
Integration trips
Sustainability Senior Specialist
Sustainability Senior Specialist
Krakow or remotely/hybrid
Krakow or remotely/hybrid
Sustainability Assistant
Sustainability Assistant
Krakow or remotely/hybrid
Krakow or remotely/hybrid
Sustainability Junior Specialist
Sustainability Junior Specialist
Krakow or remotely/hybrid
Krakow or remotely/hybrid
Małgorzata Kuwałek
Head of People and Administration
Green Building
Strategy and reporting
Climate neutrality
Training and workshops
ESG data management
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Zespół HR