Organization's carbon footprint

What is an organization's carbon footprint?

An organization’s carbon footprint is the sum of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere as a result of its operation. It is most often calculated for a given year, but it can also apply to specific events. It is usually given in kilograms or tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent or specifying specific greenhouse gases.

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Konrad Kądziołka

Business Development Representative

Why calculate your organization's carbon footprint?

Calculating the carbon footprint of an organization allows you to:
  • knowledge of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the organization’s activities,
  • increasing awareness of the organization’s impact on the environment,
  • identifying the areas that generate the highest emissions and taking action to reduce them,
  • track changes in the organization over the years.

How do we examine an organization's carbon footprint?

The calculation of the carbon footprint of a company is the basis for knowing the amount of emissions resulting from its activities. This allows you to plan and implement changes aimed at reducing greenhouse gases. Thanks to this, the company has a chance to minimize its negative impact on the environment.
We calculate the organization’s carbon footprint based on the GHG Protocol methodology, divided into three areas, depending on the needs of your company:


direct emissions that arise primarily from the stationary combustion of fuels in a building and in vehicles owned by an undertaking (Scope 1)


indirect emissions related to the purchase of energy from suppliers, e.g. electricity, heat or cooling.


and other indirect emissions, i.e. emissions from sources that are not owned or controlled by the organisation but for which the company has indirect responsibility (all emissions outside Scope 1 and 2).

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